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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

family interactions with young adults’ psychological distress and well-being. A

Daily family interactions among young adults in the United States from Latin American, Filipino, East Asian, and European backgrounds

  1. Andrew Fuligni
    1. University of California, Los Angeles, USA, afuligni@ucla.edu
  1. Carrie L. Masten
    1. University of California, Los Angeles, USA


In contrast to the abundant research on family relationships during adolescence, the nature of family interactions during young adulthood remains comparatively unexamined. The current study explored ethnic differences in young adults’ interactions with parents and siblings, the role of other activities in young adults’ family interactions, and the association of family interactions with young adults’ psychological distress and well-being. A total of 220 young adults (Mage = 25.5 years) from Latin American, East Asian, Filipino, and European backgrounds in the United States reported their family interactions, daily activities, and psychological distress and well-being using daily diaries for 14 days. As expected, time spent in work, school, and other relationships was found to conflict with time spent being with, and helping, family members. Leisure time and conflict with parents and siblings had significance for psychological distress and well-being. Other findings suggested a potentially higher level of family importance and connectedness among young adults from Filipino backgrounds as compared to their peers.

Uninvolved parenting


Question: What Is Uninvolved Parenting?
During the 1960s, psychologist Diana Baumrind described three different parenting styles based on her researche with preschool-age children: authoritarian, authoritative and permissive parenting. In later years, researchers added a fourth style known as uninvolved parenting.
Uninvolved parenting, sometimes referred to as neglectful parenting, is a style characterized by a lack of responsiveness to a child's needs. Uninvolved parents make few to no demands of their children and they are often indifferent, dismissive or even completely neglectful.
These parents have little emotional involvement with their kids. While they provide for basic needs like food and shelter, they are uninvolved in their children's lives. The degree of involvement may vary considerably. Some uninvolved parents may be relatively hands-off with their kids, but may still have some basic limits such as curfews. Others may be downright neglectful or even reject their children outright.

Characteristics of the Uninvolved Parenting Style

Uninvolved parents:
  • Are emotionally distant from their children

  • Offer little or no supervision

  • Show little warmth, love and affection towards their children

  • Have few or no expectations or demands for behavior

  • Don't attend school events and parent-teacher conferences

  • May intentionally avoid their children

  • Are often too overwhelmed by their own problems to deal with their children

The Effects of Uninvolved Parenting

Children raised by uninvolved parents:
  • Must learn to provide for themselves

  • Fear becoming dependent on other people

  • Are often emotionally withdrawn

  • Tend to exhibit more delinquency during adolescence

  • Feel fear, anxiety or stress due to the lack of family support

  • Have an increased risk of substance abuse

Understanding Uninvolved Parenting

Researchers associate parenting styles with a range of child outcomes in areas such as social skills and academic performance. The children of uninvolved parents generally perform poorly in nearly every area of life. These children tend to display deficits in cognition, attachment, emotional skills and social skills.
Due to the lack of emotional responsiveness and love from their caretakers, children raised by uninvolved parents may have difficulty forming attachments later in life. The complete lack of boundaries in the home makes it difficult to learn appropriate behaviors and limits in school and other social situations, which is why children with uninvolved parents are more likely to misbehave.
Parents who exhibit an uninvolved parenting style were often themselves raised by uninvolved and dismissive parents. As adults, they may find themselves repeating the same patterns they were raised with. Other parents who display this style may simply be so caught up in their busy lives that they find it easier to take a hands-off approach to dealing with their children.
In some cases, parents may be so wrapped up in their own problems (i.e., being overworked, coping with depression, struggling with substance abuse) that they actually fail to see how uninvolved they are with their children or are simply unable to provide the emotional support their children need.

Baumrind, D. (1967). Child-care practices anteceding three patterns of preschool behavior. Genetic Psychology Monographs, 75, 43-88.
Baumrind, D. (1991). The influence of parenting style on adolescent competence and substance use. Journal of Early Adolescence, 11(1), 56-95.
Bahr, S. J. & Hoffmann, J. P. (2010). Parenting style, religiosity, peers, and adolescent heavy drinking. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 71, 539-543.
Maccoby, E.E. (1992). The role of parents in the socialization of children: An historical overview. Developmental Psychology, 28, 1006-1017.
Santrock, J.W. (2007). A topical approach to life-span development, third Ed. New York: McGraw-Hill.