'Pintar' ~ smart, intelligent, & wise.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Say, "I love you"

It is not in our Malaysian culture to hug and kiss or say, "I love you" to our kids frequently and openly, especially when they are already grown-up. But, these are very important elements in parenting; children experiencing loving environment at home will enjoy being around their parents more often.

Love is like the oxygen supply we inhale to help us functions; absence or lack of oxygen will surely lead to malfunction to our system. Imagine interacting with someone you knew love you so dearly compared to someone who is not. Surely, you feel a lot better and would not mind a longer interactions.

So, parents love your child. Of course all parents will say they love their kids. But love must not just sound good in words, it must also be translated into action. In other words, we mean what we say. When you call out for your child, call him/her in a loving tone, for example….(in Malay)

“... sayang, mari sekejap mak nak tunjukkan baju ni”;
“... dah pukul 9 malam sayang, anak boleh masuk tidur dah sekarang;”
“… mari sini anak mak, sayang dia.”
”...ye, sayang, sayang panggil ayah?”

When parents stimulate their child with love, the child’s will be encouraged to grow and develop to their optimum potentials. If you as the child’s mother, loves the child’s father dearly too and have him involve in parenting the child, the child's development will be tremendous. Similarly, when the father loves and treats the child’s mother well…the positive impact on the child, Allah’s willing is HUGE.

"The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring." --Oscar Wilde

"Love is a force more formidable than any other. It is invisible, it cannot be seen or measured, yet it is powerful enough to transform you in a moment, and offer you more joy than any material possession could." --Barbara DeAngelis

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