'Pintar' ~ smart, intelligent, & wise.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Parenting is a science and an art

Parenting may sound like a trivial matter to some of us. In reality is it is a scientific matter, since we need knowledge to do our parenting job well. Science is knowledge therefore, parenting is a science. Science emphasizes on an organized and systematic way of studying or doing things. Studying parenting in such an approach will surely allow us to care and nurture our children most effectively. So, parents lets not miss those parenting classes anymore. We all need proper parenting education and training. An impromptu parenting lessons and trial and error kind of parenting behavior may not work well anymore in today’s world.

Often wonder why some parents are more successful than others? Yes, successful parents probably have better knowledge. But, mind you, knowledge is one thing; how we put that knowledge into practice is another. This is where the art of parenting comes in. Parenting is essentially an art. Knowledge will qualify us for the parenting job; however, it is the way we do the job, our style, attitude, creativity, beliefs and values we uphold, etc. that will determine our success in the parenting world. Do we interact appropriately with our kids? Do we talk nicely to them? Do we listen attentively to what they are saying? Do we pay attention to them during those proud moments? Can our kids rely on us? Do they enjoy being with us or rather be with their friends? Do we pull our kids towards us, or push them away? Answers to questions like these will helps us uncover our art of parenting.

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