'Pintar' ~ smart, intelligent, & wise.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Didik Anak untuk MENDENGAR & MENGIKUT dan amalkan "Sampaikanlah walaupun sepotong ayat"

Ibubapa yg dimuliakan,

Mari kita bersama anak2 amalkan surah Az-Zumaar, ayat 17-18. Semalam (26 Januari 2013) Ustaz Dr. Abdullah Yassin, guru kelas mengaji saya (di Musolla Ehsan Dato' Abdullah Al-Hadi & Datin Aisyah Hassan) berpesan jadikan ayat2 ini sebagai amalan dan pegangan hidup kita (Tafsir Az-zumar ayat 17-18) KH. Khoeruman Azzam. Credit:http://deff5fahmi.blogspot.com)

17. dan orang-orang yang menjauhi Thaghut (yaitu) tidak menyembah- nya[1310] dan kembali kepada Allah, bagi mereka berita gembira; sebab itu sampaikanlah berita itu kepada hamba- hamba-Ku,

18. yang mendengarkan Perkataan lalu mengikuti apa yang paling baik di antaranya[1311]. mereka Itulah orang-orang yang telah diberi Allah petunjuk dan mereka Itulah orang-orang yang mempunyai akal.

[1310] Thaghut ialah syaitan dan apa saja yang disembah selain Allah s.w.t.
[1311] Maksudnya ialah mereka yang mendengarkan ajaran-ajaran Al Quran dan ajaran-ajaran yang lain, tetapi yang diikutinya ialah ajaran-ajaran Al Quran karena ia adalah yang paling baik.

Dalam ayat2 ini, yang ditegaskan sifat2 MENDENGAR dan MENGIKUT.

Kata Ustaz Abdullah  

Berdasarkan sifat MENDENGAR, manusia boleh dikategorikan kepada 5 iaitu:

1) Tidak Mahu Mendengar Langsung
2) Mahu Mendengar, Tetapi Tidak Faham
3) Dengar dan Faham
4) Dengar, Faham dan Amal
5) Dengar, Faham, Amal dan Sebar

Kategori 1, adalah yang paling perlu dihindarkan kerana manusia dalam kategori ini berada dalam kegelapan. Mustahil untuk kita mentaati Allah sekiranya kita tidak suka mendengar. Macam mana hendak taat Allah, jika kita tidak ada ilmu?

Kategori 2, manusia dalam kategori ini mahu mendengar tetapi masih dalam kegelapan kerana tidak memahami ilmu yang didengari/dipelajari. Lebih tidak membantu jika manusia jenis ini malas bertanya. Kalau semasa mendengar kuliah/ceramah, mungkin tidak memberi tumpuan (sibuk berbual dengan rakan di sebelah, layan SMS, layan FB, dsbgnya.), tidur, atau berkhayal, badan di situ, tetapi hati dan otak di tempat lain.

Kategori 3, manusia jenis ini mahu mendengar dan faham apa yang didengari. Sifat yang agak baik, tetapi belum pasti mahu mengikuti apa yang didengari dan difahami. Maka, manusia ini mungkin duduk di takuk lama, kurang peningkatan.

Kategori 4, mahu mendengar, memahami apa yang didengari, dan mengamalkannya pula. Sifat-sifat ini insyaaAllah akan banyak membantu mempertingkatkan kualiti diri manusia untuk mentaati suruhan Allah swt. dan menghindarkan segala laranganNya.

Kategori 5, adalah yang paling dikehendaki, paling terbaik. Maka ibubapa sekalian, pilihlah kategori yang terbaik ini. InsyaaAllah, semoga kita dapat mengasuh diri, anak2 dan keluarga dalam kategori ini, yang mana selari dengan sabda Nabi junjungan kita. Rasulullah s.a.w..."Sampaikanlah walaupun sepotong ayat". Kita bukan sahaja mahu mendengar, memahami apa yang didengar, mengamalkannya dan berkongsi serta mengajak orang-orang lain untuk sama-sama turut serta dalam usaha membina ketaatan kepada Allah swt. 

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Renegotiating relationships between parents and college students | NCFR

...Let us learn how we as parents can effectively interact with our college-going kids. How differently are we supposed to treat them compared to our primary school kids or secondary school  kids? And how do they perceive us, and in way do they need us? Effective parenting style appropriate to our child age and stage will insyaaAllah foster positive growth and development for our child, throughout all their developmental stages: child - adolescence - youth - adult.

Renegotiating relationships between parents and college students | NCFR

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Mawi vs Imam Nawawi

Ramai yang kenal Mawi daripada Imam Nawawi. Ramai yang lebih mengenali Akademi Fantasia daripada Akademi Islam. Ramai orang Islam yg baca Al-Quran tetapi tidak faham maksud ayat2 yang dibaca. Ramai juga yg solat tetapi tidak faham maksud ayat2 yg dibaca dalam solat. Ibubapa semua..marilah kita sama2 bawa keluarga kita, anak2 kita berubah ke arah yg disukai Allah, kita betulkan setiap amalan kita yg tidak betul. Mari kita tingkatkan kualiti ibadat kita terhadap Allah swt. (Credit: Ustaz Shofwan Badrie, 13/1/13) "Ya Allah, bantulah akan kami, keluarga kami, anak2 kami, rakan2 kami sekalian supaya dapat selalu menyebut nama Mu, mengingati nama Mu, bersyukur kepada Mu dan membaguskan ibadat kami terhadap Mu"

Sebut 'SOLAT'...jangan sebut ‘Sembahyang’

Kongsi Ilmu dpd Kelas Ustaz Shofwan Badrie pada 1/12/12 GROUP UST SHOFWAN BADRIE & UST DR ABDULLAH YASIN at Musolla Ehsan Dato' Abdullah Al-Hadi Hj Muhamed Ustaz pesan sebut ‘SOLAT’ jangan sebut ‘Sembahyang’. Perkataan ‘Solat’ Allah sebut dalam Al-Quran; satu perkataan yg mulia, yg merujuk kpd ibadat khusus kepada Allah, yg dikerjakan dgn penyertaan anggota badan, lidah dan hati menurut aturan khusus pada waktu2 yg ditetapkan. Perkataan ‘Sembahyang’ berasal dpd perkataan agama Hindu, yg merujuk kpd menyembah ‘hyang’, iaitu salah satu daripada dewa-dewa yg disembah oleh penganut Agama Hindu. Maka perkataan ‘sembahyang’ ini merujuk kpd ‘menyembah tuhan hyang’.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Some parents forget that the way they socialized their children influenced the way the children turn out to be. Children spent most of their formative years (0-18) with their parents, thus the foundation of most of their developmental are shaped by their parents. So, if we do not like how our children (as child or adult) behaved, we do not just blame them, check how we have treated them. If we insult our child for something the we thought as what went wrong, we are not leading the child the positive behavior. Negative treatment will never produced positive outcome. Thus, we need to remember the socialization experienced of the child will shape the way the child behave. Remember we are the INPUT to our child's behavior; we don't like what we see, change our INPUT to positive input...our child will then demonstrate good OUTPUT. By the way, insulting our child (child/adult child) is the worst kind of parent-child interaction...we will push the child away from us instead of coming to us. So, watch what we say or do, the impact is huge on our child. Our job is to be a good parent, insyaAllah then our child (child/adult) will turn out to be good.

Parents the most influential model

Parents if we wish our kids to be successful, We be successful first, If we wish our kids to have good akhlak, We have good akhlak first, Kids are our output, We (parents) are their input, Input influence output, Kids learn from their model, and parents are their most influential model.

Parenting a natural phenomenon?

For most of us, we become parents because we gave birth to a child. It's like we automatically become parents because we have children. We take parenting as a natural phenomenon and never once thought that it is a huge and vital task in human development. Due to such perception, we proceed our parenting job by providing what we thought as important for our children. For example, we feed them,clothed them, put them to sleep and we talk and play with them, accordingly. What we are doing is providing all the basic necessities for our child. Well, that's not wrong folks. It's just not enough! This natural way of parenting, providing just the basics, will let our child grow, but not towards holistic strength and excellence. A child needs to grow in at least four different domains: Physical, mental, social, and emotional. When what we do is only providing the basics for our child, these four areas will develop at a minimum level. If we wish for our child to achieve the optimum level, we need to go beyond the basics. For example for the physical domain, we provide our child with balance meal each time and on time, enough sleep and play & exercise, ensure that he is clean and healthy, his living environment is well organized, clean and healthy, free from dust, germs and thrash, and there's good flow of oxygen coming in and carbon dioxide going out. See folks, that's a lot of work and commitment. The same goes for the other domain, we have to work them out well in order to achieve the max. To get to the best we need to pack ourselves with the right and best knowledge (K), attitude (A), and practices (P) in parenting and child development. Parenting with good KAP will encourage good child development in all the four domains. Before this entry ends, let ask ourselves these questions...Is it good parenting on our part when our child do well academically, but not so in term of religious practices and reading the Quran? Our parenting produce good outcome for the material living, but not so for spirituality? Would letting parenting take its natural course lead to the best child outcome? InsyaaAllah, this simple entry and questions would help to trigger all parents to go beyond the natural course of parenting.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Parenting child with a flu

Your child is coming down with a flu; no big deal with that, isn't it? Wrong, it is a big deal, parents. Whether your child has flu or cold, it is important to pay attention to it. There is a difference between flu and cold. Cold affects just the head and throat, but flu typical affects the whole body. Your child will experience body ache,extreme tiredness, and on top of that she will have fever too. Usually, the fever comes in abrupt fashion; whereas cold may not come with fever at all (with exception to babies). So what do you do, parents? You will need to look after your child especially if it is a flu. If she is still a young child, the more she needs your attention and care. So, check on your child often. Taking your child to the doctor is off course a good move particularly, when her fever seems high and she is vomiting. Flu may not only trigger your child to vomit, but can also make her feels dizzy. If your child is older, it is advisable not to let your child to drive; perhaps giving paracetamol (for younger child, let a doctor prescribe the medicines for her) can help your older child, plus drinking enough water and resting well. It does not matter how old your child is, you can massage her gently with some ointment. If you massage her well, your child can fall asleep during the process which is actually good because it will help to speed up the healing process. Having cold or flu can make your child (especially, the younger ones) becomes irritable and cranky. As parents you do not want to focus on the negative behavior, but on the source of that behavior. You should remove that bad source that makes your child feels uncomfortable. If you focus on the bad behavior, you might loose your patience with the child because flu can take several days before it can totally go away. You will be exhausted and it is even worst for your child. Your exhaustion may lead to uncaring behavior on your part. That is negative parenting, and needs to be avoided. Always provide positive parenting in no matter the circumstances. Thus, focus on the source, provide the necessary treatments, gives lots of care and love..insyaaAllah, the flu will go away faster than you thought. Good parenting will always help your child to recover faster.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Teach kids to become Positive Commenters

Parents lets teach our kids to pass comments in positive terms. When from young this is what they heard and how they are trained, InsyaaAllah, they will grow-up to be a person who are very careful and wise before uttering their comments. Positive comments are not only nice to hear; it also gives direction and encouragement. It makes a situation comfortable and conducive. A situation or issue may initially be in a negative/bad form, but a positive commenter can still give a positive critic/comment that does not make the other person feels bad or numb. It is professionally stated. The shortcomings of the other person's work is stated in terms of the work not the person (i.e., does not like how weak the personal is). On the contrary, negative comments are not just sickening to hear; it's undermining and makes the commenters look and sound arrogant. There's a possibility too that negative commenters have their own personal issues internally, e.g., inferiority (like want to show off that they know when in reality they don't quite know), or emotionally unstable (like they don't look that good - too short, too tall, too skinny or too fat, don't like their own body, etc). In sum, parents will need to remember that 'a child who grow-up hearing positive comments, will turn-up to become positive commenters as adult."